In my art class at MT. Si High school  we drew pencil portraits of ourselves or people we knew and in this project we painted them. In the Painted Portrait project I used the media, painting, complimentary colors and shadows and tints.  I learned how to correctly paint shadows onto ones face to make the face appear 3-D. I re-sketched my pencil portrait with correct proportions, head shape and feature placement.  can softly define features with the correct size in relation to each other and the head. I can create a unified image with a sense of emphasis on the face or part of the face. I can indicate three dimensions by using complementary colors for shadows and highlights.  I can paint with defined brush marks so I create clear textures for skin, hair and any other details.  I like painting

In this project called Pencil Portrait we took pictures of ourselves and with our experience of drawing faces. We attempted to draw the pictures that we took of ourselves.  In this project we used dimensions and our skill of drawing faces.  In this project I also learned how to correctly draw a face ._.  I can draw a face using correct proportions, correct size, 3-D dimensions, highlights and shadows and draw with pencil and not smudge.  I like the draw the face project and I hoe we can do more like it. 

Length is the dimension that represents how long something is. Width is the dimension that represents how wide something is from side to side. The side of the head is wider than the front of the head.  There are two parts of the head, the jaw and the head.  The eyes, nose, mouth and ears are located on teh face.  The neck is below the head and the normal shape of eyes  is oval.